RECLAIM THE SKYLINE -- EraserHead meets BladeRunner

    Sunday 29th November
    Dusk until 1am

A sonic exploration of the deserted innards of the huge ex HeraldSun building
beginning with CJ Berzerker's industrial aural assault
compiled from his sampling at the last =UPU= camp/BBQ there,
the night will progress through to 
the live electro-tribal hybrid that is signal<-->noise
ending with soothing Nepalese violins and percussion courtesy Nick+Julian.

Three cavernous storeys' worth of space to explore yourself and 
a rooftop with a (yet to be converted?) yuppie skyline view of Neo-Tokyo...
err... I mean Melbourne.
Corner of Flinders St & Exhibition St, access from laneway off Exhibition.


Authorised by the Undesirable Propagation Unit.